End of Life Handbook

The End of Life Handbook: A Compassionate Guide to Connecting with and Caring for a Dying Loved One

Feldman, Dave and Laser, S. Andrew





This book address both the emotional and psychological issues associated with death and dying and the practical and medical realities typically dealt with at this time-unusual among titles in this subject area. The authors, a psychologist and medical doctor, are passionate advocates for quality end-of-life care. Author Feldman’s background in positive psychology brings an emphasis on hope, inspiration, meaning, and human connection at the end of life to the book. As medical technology progresses and life expectancies edge upward, families are being faced with ever-more-complicated choices as loved ones approach their final hours. This book offers readers much-needed guidance and support for making these often difficult decisions.



The End-of-Life Handbook is a refreshing and comforting book that I wish I had had when my husband died three years ago. Reading the words of both Dave Feldman and Andrew Lasher feels like having them sitting with you, coaching you when you need help figuring out what to do. They offer practical advice about talking to doctors, how to understand your own feelings and to care for yourself when a loved one is gravely ill. If you only buy one book when you are helping someone with a serious illness, this is the one I would buy.

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You can avoid discussing this for your whole life, but at some point you will become an active participant. A must read if you or someone you love plans to die (actually, you really don’t have to plan).

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February 16, 2015